Updated Fedora Lives Available (4.10.16-200) Memorial Weekend Run


We in the Respins SIG are pleased to mention the latest series of Updated Live Respins carrying the 4.10.16-200 Kernel.  These respins use the livemedia-creator tool packaged in the default Fedora repo and following the guide here as well as using the scripts located here.

As Always  there are available @  http://tinyurl.com/live-respins2

For those needing a non-shortened url that expands to https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins/

This round will be noticeably missing from it’s usual gpg clearsigned CHECKSUM|HASHSUM files hosted on https://community.ameridea.net due to a key cycling operation.  This post will be updated with the  new KeyID|Fingerprint next week however, next run will be the first run with that key in play.